Monday, April 30, 2012

Lazy Dad

Okay. I admit it. I never blog. It's really too bad...and sad. But to be fair, I regularly post to Facebook about you! So much has happened since the last time I wrote here. You are five now, and full of questions. To be honest, you are a little bossy too. You have an idea and your own idea about everything no matter how small. You think you have a better way to do it. I'm not sure why I'm surprised by this, though. From day one you've been trying to tell everyone around you what to do and how to do it. You are five now and finishing up your second year of pre-school. Last year your teacher at PCMS told us you would probably grow up to be a criminal if we didn't teach you some rules. For some reason they thought how you acted at four would be a life-long indication of your behavior at 16. No way, we said, look at how he was as a baby...uh, never mind. Regardless, your curiosity and desire to control your world along with strong independent thought doesn't mean you don't follow rules--in fact you actually do a decent job of following most rules--it's just that you don't abide by rules that make no sense to you. We moved you from PCMS to CMS where you met the most wonderful teacher. Mrs. Bridget is one of your favorites, and I can see why. She is kind and compassionate and treats you with respect. For about a week we went through this thing where you would not let me leave. You cried and cried and clung to me and, for some reason, would not let me leave. When Mrs. Bridget came in she got down on the floor with you, looked you in the eye and talked to you until you calmed down (and I was able to leave). Leaving you there crying was one of the most difficult things I've had to do. Since then you won't let anyone see you give me a hug and a kiss, so we have to go in to the hallway where no one can see you tell your daddy goodbye. I get it. Not so cool kissing your daddy goodbye, so I'll take what I can get. Oh yeah, I also have to wave to you in the window--Twice! Once from the parking lot and once from the car as I pull away. So, that's two schools in two years, and next year you're starting another--the N. Canton school right down the street. I think it will be fine. You'll be in class with other kids from around the neighborhood and I think you'll make some new friends you can actually hang out with and have play dates with. Okay, just a quick update since discovered the new Google interface for Blogger. I love you 260,000. Big family hug!


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