Hello three year old.
I hope you are well and the Joker, Bad Penguin or Mr. Freeze haven't got you yet. You are three and obsessed with super heroes. It's funny because before you were born I found a sign that reads "I believe in super heroes" and it hangs in your room. I didn't know at the time how obsessed you'd be with super heroes once you discovered them.
Me you and mommy are always in the "bat mobile" (our CRV) either running from or chasing the Joker, or Sandman or some other made up bad guy and his lackies or henchmen. Your toys all substitute for super hero tools. Batarangs, Wolverine's claws or "shooters," although we try to discourage you from using shooters (guns) as much as possible. Endless games of "getting" the Joker or Doctor Octopus (although it doesn't quite sound like that when you say it), keeps us all running around the house.
In addition to superheroes, in the last year we've read the third and final book in the City of Ember series, Peter Pan, The Indian in the Cupboard and The Mysterious Benedict Society. You've also really started talking this past year. Actually, you never stop talking. You wake up in the morning, go downstairs and yell "Mommy" at the top of your lungs so she'll come get you. If you are not playing with your Rescue Heroes or Batman, your watching Rescue Heroes, Backyardigans or The Upside Down Show on TV.
Some things you say:
I lub you
Not now, maybe later
I not love it
I sure do love you.
Dad, read the book about how Batman and Robin became partners. We don't have that book buddy, it's at the D's. Then read it from your imagination daddy.
Me (as Robin) on another mission with Gabe (as Batman) and Christina (as Spiderman) to "get" the Joker. Apparently there is a secret message written on the inside of the Starbucks cup sleeve that provides Batman with the whereabouts of the Joker’s lair and his "lackies." It’s somewhere upstairs.
We should take Kesey to see the wizard so he can "take all that bad stuff out of Kesey and then tape his leg back on."I'll miss Kesey.
I sure do lub you Spiderman.
Gabriel and I just watched the video (so awesome) and he said "is that us?" "I lub us!" :)
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