The fresh air is good for us and keeps us healthy.
Hey Kiddo-I Love Dirt and I hope you do too.
Actually, I Love Dirt is the name of a book I bought. It’s 52 activities to help parents and kids discover the wonders of nature.
Friday night we went to First Friday in downtown Canton and played catch for about half an hour and then walked around the crowds and visited some of the shops. After one of the hottest Augusts I can remember (days spent mostly at the pool), it was nice to get outside and not sweat buckets.
Saturday we drove with the windows open (but only for about 15 minutes—it’s really windy at 50 MPH). Then on Sunday we spent a couple of hours at Boetler Park--your favorite. We walked the path and stopped at a park bench to read The Glove of Darth Vader (a Star Wars universe book). While we walked there were grass hoppers everywhere, and we saw several butterflies, and a couple of your Moodah friends (white moths).
We’ll be back, kiddo. I promise.
I love you,
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