Some funny things you’ve said
We were playing super heroes tonight and, of course, G gets to assign the roles. G: Daddy, you can be Slow-Moving Man. ME: Well, that doesn't seem like a very beneficial super power. What's the advantage to moving slow? G: I'll be Super Fast Man and Slow Moving Man can be my nemesis. That means bad-guy, daddy. ME: I know what nemesis means.
Gabe's friend Sutter turns three this month. Tonight we asked Gabe what he want to buy Sutter for his birthday. "I don't want to get him a present," Gabe said. "Just love. And, well, a yellow Transformer."
So today I was in the backyard cleaning up dog poo and I noticed Gabe walking around with his pants down around his ankles. Me: "Hey buddy, whatcha doin?" Gabe: "Pulling my pants up." Me: "Yeah? Why are your pants down kiddo?" Gabe: "Well, actually, daddy, there's one more poop to clean up." Me: "Yeah?" Gabe: "Yeah, I ...pooped under the tree." Me: "Why, did you poop under the tree?" Gabe: "So you can't see me."
Today we went to brunch at Vegiterranean and Gabe wouldn't eat his food so Chris asked how long it would take to make spaghetti. Not long, was the answer. Then Gabe asked, “How long will it take to make Chipotle?”
Gabe: Daddy, did you know those tea-baggers are after President Obama? Me: Yeah, buddy, I do. Gabe: Can you believe it? President Obama is a crime fighter. Right daddy?