Little Baseball Player

Dear Gabriel-
You are really starting to turn into a little person with so many opinions about everything. For some reason you are obsessed with baseball. I’m not sure where this comes from. I don’t play baseball. Mom doesn’t play baseball. But for some reason you love it, and you’re pretty good at it. You throw overhand, put a mitt on and try to catch and can hit the ball across the room. If you are wearing a hat or helmet--your Bob the Builder safety helmet is your favorite batting helmet (although you'll have to ask you mom what happened to the yellow one we bought at Target and took to the movies) you throw it to the ground and start running around in circles. We call it running the bases. It’s really cute. You put one hand behind you and look over your right shoulder and run around the room (although at this point you run the opposite way). Your pitching noise—when asked—is a combination of a swoshing sound combined with an arm movement. Sometimes when you wear one of my hats, you turn it around backwards and peer through the small hole in the back—I think you pretend it’s a batting helmet. But it’s strange. You don’t like anyone to wear their hats crooked. If they do, you say No, and try to correct it so it’s facing forward.
You have at least three different bats. One of them is a big-boy bat about three feet long, but we have to hide that one in the garage because it’s too long and you have a tendency to hit anything around you with it. Your other favorite bat is the carrot bat Grammy found in the free bin at a garage sale. We would have paid eight dollars for it, but it was free (along with a free carrot golf club which Millie has since ate). You have several sets of mitts and various sizes and types of balls.

I’m not sure, but I think this love of sports has to do with the fact that we’ve watched just about every OSU game since you were born (including MSU v. OSU on the day you were born) and the playoffs (Indians v. Red Socks) last year.
Fall will soon be here.
Love, Dad
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