Happy Birthday Kiddo!

October 15, 2007
Hey kiddo-
It’s hard to believe, but you are one now, and it’s been one year full of wonderful new things as we watch you grow.
You came into this world helpless, but now you crawl (always), walk (although only a couple of steps at a time for now), feed yourself (sometimes), squawk like a lion cub when you are bored (most of the time), head-butt me and laugh when you are being mischievous (often), crawl like a mad-baby when you see an opportunity to get into a new space you just know you are not allowed to be in (whenever you can) and you make both your mom and me smile (all the time).
Your birthday party was yesterday. There were lots of people there—friends, relatives, neighbors and a couple of farm animals (a goat and a rooster). There were lots of kids (babies and not-so-baby anymore), the food was yummy, and the sun shined all day. You also had your first taste of sugar, which seemed to keep you up all night long. Last night around 10:30 mom brought you down to the living room after you refused to go to sleep. You and I watched The Decemberist on Austin City Limits and danced around the living room for half an hour with blue balloons while mom tried to sleep on the futon.
A perfect end to a perfect day.
I love you more all the time.