Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It's not a surprise to me.

Dear son-

I have to be honest to you. We know the environment is degrading. Right now, three months before you are born, we know there are serious problems with the planet. Scientific consensus is that we have about 10 years to make a change, after that we’ll reach a tipping point after which greenhouse gases will melt the polar ice caps. Draught, famine, flooding, and devastating natural disasters are predicted.

Of course the environment has been divided into political sides with republicans saying there is nothing wrong with the planet, and democrats saying there is. In case you are wondering, I fall on the side that thinks there are serious problems.

To me there seems to be overwhelming scientific evidence for global warming. Putting that issue aside, we already have days where the air quality is so poor it is recommended people stay indoors. Several days this summer Lake Erie was so polluted people were not allowed to swim there. You make up your own mind.

I don’t mean to sound so negative. There are people who are working towards making a difference. You mom and I are vegetarians (for animal and environmental reasons), we pay attention to gas mileage, we’re looking into alternative sources of electric, and we recycle. We vote with our dollar every chance we get. Your diapers are recycled, your wipes are biodegradable, and your baby food is organic.

Your mom and I hope that when the time comes, you will make good choices about your impact on the world. In ten years you might not have much of a choice, but if you do, don’t be afraid to be different and take a stand against consumerism. Every day it is easier and cheaper to care about our impact on the world. If we have any impact, by the time you read this, you will care too.

I love you.


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